SEITE: 37/38 Moritz T. 2 Kommentare Kommentar hinzufügen

The beggar and his dog, resurrected by the sun.


Klara misinterprets the sleeping beggar and his dog as being dead, on a grey, gloomy afternoon. Next morning, they are alive, bathing in sunlight – Klara thinks that they have come back to live thanks to the light. Is it plausible that she doesn’t understands humans (and dogs) are not dependent of the sun like AFs are?  How can she be a good AF for a child if she is not aware of this? Or will this be part of the fun for teenage kids to teach the AF such basic things?

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I believe this is part of her childlike nature – Ishiguro introduces the idea of naive religion this way into the text. Klara runs on solar energy, so it is no wonder she invests the Sun with magical powers. But – from another angle – it is also a bit similar to the way „falling in love“ functioned as a magical element in Never Let Me Go, as a source of ungrounded hope.

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