SEITE: 177
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„‚What you but about now?'“
Great composition of words! – Melania Housekeeper addresses Klara – that’s rare, except for reprimanding her. She asks Klara to observe closely Josie’s portrait painter, Mr Capaldi, „one creep son bitch“, who seems to menace Josie somehow. Klara affirms, but has more questions she is slow in bringing forward with a „but“ – that’s when Melania cuts in with the question above. – Where does Melania come from? Is she an Artifical Housekeeper with limited language skills? An immigrant? Clearly. she cares for Josie. When Klara alludes to her plan to help Josie, Melania warns Klara not to mess things up. „‚You make things worse, I fuck come dismantle you.'“ (p. 178)
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