SEITE: 234 - 244 Moritz T. Keine Kommentare Kommentar hinzufügen

Crowd outside the theater.


Ten dense pages; dialogues and scraps of conversations on very diverse topics are reported in a tight sequence. Klara struggles to see clearly, or three-dimensionally, probably a consequence of her earlier loss of body fluidity. Is she registering only, and has less capacity to make sense, or an own will to participate in an exchange? When addressed, she remains monosyllabic, and soon her attention is turning elsewhere. Confusing. But is also one of the few scences Klara is exposed to a larger crowd. And there is a lot information to absorb (for instance that AFs are not welcome everywhere, they are taking away jobs, and now maybe also seats in the theater? Someone thinks Klara is queuing to get into the theater).  – One could think of mini stage scenes, or, a cartoonlike stream of consciousness. – Again the question: From which point of view does Klara recount her story? Does she reflect later what has happened? She is using the past tense.

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