SEITE: 294
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„‚So‘, she said, ‚that’s where you have been hanging out. How are things?'“
Josie, discovering Klara in the utility room, where she has been, Josie no longer in need for her presence. Very distant Josie, becoming an adult, and being healthy,
Ok, that’s the episode I meant – healthy Josie easily forgets her friend. Sure, you can say she grows out of it. But – given the kind of relationship she had with Klara – isn’t that cruel?
Indeed, it is heart breaking, even when you take into account that Josie is not aware of Klara’s huge efforts and sacrifice to save her. The casual tone of Josie must be hurting, especially. Effectivly staged by Ishiguro. Klara seems to accept all this without complaints. We have to assume that there is a very dominant „positive thinking“ programme active inside her, or she decides not to disclose her negative feelings. – Josie’s coolness would speak for your earlier thought that „lifted“ could imply a lack of empathy. Rick is the one who offers Klara support, in case she is in need of it.