SEITE: 306 Moritz T. 1 Kommentar Kommentar hinzufügen

„‚But however hard I tried, I believe now there would have remained something beyond my reach.'“


Klara, in the „Yard“ she has been left for her „slow fade“, is visited by „Manager“, and „happyness“ filled her mind (which seems rare – seems to occur only in the shop context). Klara discloses her doubts to be able to „continue“ Josie, because there was something not inside Josie, but „inside those who loved her.“ – A tad kitschy?

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Childlike, I think. Accepting the opinions of „adults“ even though she clearly sees how failable they are with her supperior intelligence. She is the impossible construct: incredibly observant, highly intelligent, keenly aware (and self-aware) and at the same time, well, believing in the Sun’s divinity, trusting in the rather banal explanations of human uniqueness…

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