SEITE: 307 Moritz T. Keine Kommentare

„With each second step, she would lean to her left in a way that made me worry her long coat on that side might touch the dirty ground.“


Klara, observing „manager“ moving away after her visit in the „Yard“. Klara has shared crucial events of her life with the manager, who remained largely obtuse or indifferent in her contributions to the conversation. What brings „manager“ to places like the Yard? Loneliness is one of the reverting topics of this novel. But „manager“ maintains the professional distance as ever. – Could it be that Klara is a bit disappointed about the exchange? But Klara pays attention to and worries about „manager’s“ coat. The acute awareness of such a detail is nicely placed here by Ishiguro, reminding the reader of the non-human narrator.

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