Besprechung für The Psychology of Money

Julia_kersebaum 1 Kommentar Kommentar hinzufügen

What I like best about this book: the structure! Instead of long-winding chapters we have 19 essays on the different aspects of personal finances. These come in forms of anecdotes, often grounded in real-life examples, which makes the book surprisingly entertaining and readable.

Have I learnt something new from reading this book? Not really.
Housel´s argument that money – investing, personal finance, and business decisions has little to do with math and/or statistics and everything to do with psychology seems rather common sense than the one big revelation.

Diving into the pitfalls of how and why we make money decisions still is interesting – and arguebly impossible to un-learn anyways – and as previously mentioned entertaining.

Will this book improve how I deal with money? Probably not… but now I can pretend I gave it my best shot.

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Moritz T.

Your assessment just confirms what I had expected from a book with such a title. So I’d rather save my money (and time) and not buy this one…

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