Author Archives for Moritz T.

Juli 1, 2024 12:26 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

„‚(…) then wilt thouh not be loth To leave this Paradise, but shalt possess A Paradise within thee, happier far.'“

Juli 1, 2024 11:59 am Published by Leave your thoughts

„‚This yet I apprehend not, why to those Among whom God will deign to dwell on Earth So many and so various laws are given:...

Juni 30, 2024 5:35 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

„Beast now with beast ‚gan war, and fowl with fowl, and fish with fish (…)“

Juni 30, 2024 3:13 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

„Carnal desire inflaming: he on Eve Began to cast lascivious eyes; she him As wantonly repaid; in lust they burn, Till Adam thus ‚gan Eve...

Juni 29, 2024 4:03 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

„Heaven is for thee to high to know what passes there; be lowly wise; Think only what concerns thee and thy being; Dream not of...

Juni 27, 2024 3:34 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

„We know no time when we were not as now; Know none before us, self-begot, self-rais’d By our own quickening power, when fatal course Had circled his full...