Entangled Life
Juni 27, 2021 11:32 am Leave your thoughtsLogin required to view this page. Please Anmelden.
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„In those years, he seemed remote.“
„This is an afflicition not merely of the spirit but of the body, of aches and lagging strength.“
Ron Lafferty, Mitglied einer fundamentalistischen Mormonensekte, empfängt eine göttliche Offenbarung: seine Schwägerin, ihr Baby, und zwei weitere Menschen aus seinem Umfeld sollen „removed“, umgebracht werden....
„I must confess that the book you are now reading isn’t the book I set out to write. As originally set out, it was going...
„The genesis of this book was the desire to grasp the nature of religious belief.“
„Dan believes (…) that the most salient fact of existence is the inmutable division of humankind into those who are inherently rightful and those who...
„Written on it was a revelation Ron said he’d just received, in which God commanded Dan to let Ron kill him.“
„Ron Lafferty’s theology, Gardner argued, is definitively strange, but it is not an outgrowth of schizophrenia, or some other sickness of the brain.“
Kapitel „For Water will not do“