Januar 20, 2024 7:26 pm Leave your thoughts
Die 21-jährige Emma Woodhouse lebt allein mit ihrem hypochondrischen Vater auf dem Land, unweit Londons. Die Haushälterin, Erzieherin und Freundin Emmas hat Mr Weston geheiratet...
Die 21-jährige Emma Woodhouse lebt allein mit ihrem hypochondrischen Vater auf dem Land, unweit Londons. Die Haushälterin, Erzieherin und Freundin Emmas hat Mr Weston geheiratet...
Volume Three
„(…) and that she herself had been the stupidest of beings in not having thought of it, and wished it long ago.“
„She would not acknowledge that it was with any view of making a match for her, hereafter, with either of Isabella’s sons (…).“
„It is remarkable, that Emma (…) was never struck with any sense of injury to her nephew Henry (…). Think she must of the possible...
„What totally different feelings did Emma take back into the house from what she had brought out! (…)“
„Let him but continue the same Mr Knightley to her and to her father, the same Mr Knightley to all the world (…)“
Volume three, Chapter 11
„It darted through her, with the speed of an arrow, that Mr Knightley must marry no one but herself.“
„‚But with common sense‘, she added, ‚I am afraid I have had little to do.'“