November 12, 2023 5:08 pm Leave your thoughts
Eng an den Quellen orientiert, erzählt Nandini Das, wie es dem ersten englischen Botschafter am Hof des indischen Mughals zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts erging....
Eng an den Quellen orientiert, erzählt Nandini Das, wie es dem ersten englischen Botschafter am Hof des indischen Mughals zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts erging....
„(…) we know that nothing particularly significant emerged from Roe’s embassy. Yet if there is one thing that following Roe in India illuminates, it is...
„The business of the English Ambassador had become a minor pawn in the high stakes game of Shatranj, Indo-Persian chess, that was splitting Jahangir’s household...
«(…) an atheist (…)»
Sunnitische – schiitische Spannungen
The Wager
„He was very close to recommending that the English give up trade and resort to much more profitable piracy.“
„How you saw the effect of travel, it seemed, depended on whether you saw yourself as the translator or the translated. In Ajmer, Roe was...
Baburnama, Buch des ersten Mughal-Herrschers in Indien, beschreibt sein neues Imperium