November 12, 2023 5:00 pm Leave your thoughts
«(…) an atheist (…)»
«(…) an atheist (…)»
Sunnitische – schiitische Spannungen
The Wager
„He was very close to recommending that the English give up trade and resort to much more profitable piracy.“
„How you saw the effect of travel, it seemed, depended on whether you saw yourself as the translator or the translated. In Ajmer, Roe was...
Baburnama, Buch des ersten Mughal-Herrschers in Indien, beschreibt sein neues Imperium
“The letter that Roe sent him on 17 January 1616 (…) would only reach Carew on 18 September 1616.”
Knight’s Move
„’(…) and he to be a man sent immediately from our King, for that the title of a merchant is by them despised.'“