Author Archives for Moritz T.

August 23, 2024 2:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

«Als Quelle (…) kommen jetzt nicht nur das schriftliche Dokument (…) in Betracht, sondern – im Grunde – alle Objektivationen, Vergegenständlichungen menschlicher Tätigkeiten.»

August 20, 2024 7:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

„He opened the app and listened once more, and it did not take long for him to figure it out: that wasn’t the sound of...

August 19, 2024 8:15 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Die Freunde Kaspar Baur und Rudolf Bindschädler spazieren durch Olten, durch das Industriequartier der Aare entlang, mit einem Kaffeehalt im unspektakulären EPA-Restaurant. Bindschädler berichtet von...

August 13, 2024 7:59 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

„Jack felt a little queasy letting the System have access to their most private, most personal information and utterances, but as the app often reminded...

August 12, 2024 9:07 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

„(…)  — when Toby declared that this was all hopelessly difficult and well beyond his capacities and he henceforth sat far away from the group,...