Dezember 3, 2022 3:01 pm Leave your thoughts
„There seems to be something that is psychologically very fundamental about the size and stability of a community size of around 150.“
„There seems to be something that is psychologically very fundamental about the size and stability of a community size of around 150.“
Die Immersion in die Um-Welt, das Aufgehen in einem grossen Ganzen entspricht einem Urbedürfnis. Menschen haben sich Rituale angeeignet, die diesen Zustand zu evozieren vermögen,...
„(…) whenever relationships within the community or camp start to become overly fractious, someone calls for a trance dance.“
„A study of 21’000 American adults found that those who never attended religious services had a risk of dying during the eight-year-follow-up period that was...
The Mystical Stance
„In other words, beneath the surface veneer of doctrinal rectitude lurks an ancient foundation of pagan mystical religion.“
George Saunders führt den Leser durch sieben Erzählungen aus der goldenen Epoche der russischen Literatur. Er zeigt uns, wie und warum die Geschichten funktionieren (bei...
Alyosha the Pot
„So, the artistic bounty of this period wasn’t enough to avert that disaster, and I suppose, in some ways, it might have (must have) actually...