März 25, 2024 4:28 pm Leave your thoughts
Der Roman spielt in einem fiktiven südamerikanischen Land Costaguana, und vor allem in Sulaco, einer etwas abseits gelegenen pazifischen Hafenstadt, die Joseph Conrad mit beträchtlichem...
Part three: „The Lighthouse“
„The slave of the San Tomé silver (…)“
Part Three, Chapter 10
„In our activity alone do we find the sustaining illusion of an independent existence as against the whole scheme of things of which we form...
„He had seen himself triumphant, unquestioned, appeased, the idol of the soldiers, weighing in secret complacency the agreebale alternatives of power and wealth open to...
„In such conditions of manner and attire did Dr Monygham go forth to take possession of his liberty. And these conditions seemed to bind him...