August 24, 2022 8:26 pm Leave your thoughts
„Perhaps the inadmissible occurred only because destiny required him to be borne, he mused, in which case little could have been done to avoid it....
„Perhaps the inadmissible occurred only because destiny required him to be borne, he mused, in which case little could have been done to avoid it....
„It is bad enough when a woman one never much liked, a passing amusement, turns out to be involved with somebody else, and one then...
„‚This is out of the question, I tell you. (…) What I feel for you is extraordinary.'“
„(…) no doubt especially because Genji had given up his wanton fancies.“
Kapitel „Spring Shoots I“
Kapitel „The Singers“
„What does an artist do, mostly? She tweaks that which she’s already done.“
„The ravine, we might say, ‚unlocks‘ all of the binary references that are, we now see, seeded within the story.“
„And yet, it was beautiful, what just happened in that pub, and needed. Something lovely in these people rose to the occasion. And overflowing with...